Here she is with her new purse. She loves to carry around bags and purses, so we bought her a Dora purse the other day(it's backwards so you can't see Dora). She loves to carry it around. We got it at the mall the other day and let her walk through the mall and she carried it the whole time. I wish I had the camera with me.
I will try to get a picture of how she puts it up on her arm and walks around with it. It's so cute.
Daddy bought Gabriella her own Steeler's hat. It's still just a wee bit big -hee hee.
Double Trouble. I swear this was not staged at all. Bing had gotten into the wagon again and Gabriella started pushing it all over the house. She was ramming into walls and doors and he stayed in it the whole time. This cat amazes me.
I better hunker down, the ride's gettin' rough.
Bing is sad today. It was garbage day and the box went to the curb.
Looks like she is an adorable little handful.
Gabriella is ADORABLE as ever! Love her new ride and her new purse! Sophie loves to carry things around IN things too.
Poor Bing... will he get a new box???
Sarah and Sophie~Bug
Thanks for the blog book site!
Your blog is great!
That girl gets funnier every day..I love her faces.
Miss G is a rock star...but so is BING:)
Your glass may be nasty - but I think it's worth it.
Bing needs to be pushing G!
Auntie S
I love the pictures! My cats too, prefer then non-toys to the real toys! What's up with that? ;-)
I heart Bing.
Woohoo on the Steelers hat. Sabrina has a Steeler's jersey put away for the upcoming football season - Steve is so excited to see her wear it.
Gabriella is so cute, that is so funny her pushing her face up against the glass. Your cat is too much. I have a red wagon for the girls too, they love it.
does she get cuter every day? or is it just me?
Enjoy your nasty glass!!! :) My baby is 17, going to be a senior this year. I miss her hand and lip prints on the door. I had mom's and grandmom's tell they miss it to but I understand now and it is so true. They grow up way to fast!!!!
O has on the same jammies tonight.
She's got personality!! Bing sure does love his sister!
Alleen--okay seriously!!!! You have to come to my blog!!!!! She is doing the same thing at Chuck E Cheese!!!! Sophie does this too!!! She can't stand but she will do this do the doors!!!! :O) I was laughing looking at her picture!!! This is sooo cute!!!! Gabriella is really truly a girl after my own heart!!!! I love her with her-- shall we say handbags!!!!!!!!!!!! Her and I could really do some damage shopping together!!!!
Now what is Bing thinking?!!!!!!!!:O) He is cracking me up!!! It is just so funny I can't believe he stayed!!!! Our Charlie would never have stayed put!!! I can barely get a picture of him still!!!
Too cute!! I can't believe how big she is getting!!!
Maya loves purses too. Sometimes she'll take my camera bag and hang it around her neck as a purse. Sometimes it goes over the shoulder, and sometimes it is a handbag. It's amazing what they soak in as they watch us!! Too cute!
How cute she is giving Bing a ride. He is very tolerant. I told my cats he lost his box and they feel very bad for him.
Yes, baby finger prints and spit all over doors and mirrors. Quite lovely. All par for the course.
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