OK, I've been tagged a couple of times. I'm going to do this one and I'm still thinking on the other one(it's a toughie Muriel!!).
This one was from Farrah.
I'm supposed to name 6 weird things about me.... As weird as people may think I am, I had a hard time with this one. So, keep the laughter to yourself if it's corny.
1. I hate frogs. I'd rather run across a snake than a slimy frog. But, I love cute little pictures of frogs and stuffed ones etc.
2. I'm not exactly a neat housekeeper, but I can't stand a dirty kitchen! I can't go to bed after a party until I've cleaned the kitchen(and that can take a while).
3. If I play a game or something on the computer for too long, I won't be able to turn it off in my head when I try to go to sleep that night. One of the many things that can keep me from sleeping. Ah, the joys of insomnia.
4. The older I get the less tolerant of the heat I get. Yet, I love living in Florida.
5. I love to watch blood and guts on TV. Not reenactments, but the real thing like surgeries, ER stuff,etc. Does anyone remember the show where they used to show all kinds of surgeries? I loved it!
6. Now, given #5 above, it's certainly weird that I will pass out from the most minor of injuries,etc. I once had a pretty minor cut and passed out cold while Ferdy was cleaning it up. Not the first such incident. I was told by a dr. it's called a vagral nerve response where for any kind of injury, your body sends the blood to the injured area and away from your brain.
I'm not going to tag anyone as this seems to have made the rounds. But, if you're a reader and are so inclined, consider yourself tagged!