This has been a rough transition for Ferdy and I into parenthood. Certainly not how I'd dreamed it would be. We've both been downright sick. Yep, that's right, Ferdy got it too. Worse in some ways as he's had a fever/chills the last two nights. I woke up last night because he was shaking in the bed. I am definitely getting better, but just when I think I'm heading upward, I get set back. I felt pretty good yesterday and then this morning - total exhaustion. I slept for several hours today and am still tired. But, I do feel like I'll be much better in a few days. The upside is I've lost about 5 pounds since before we left for Guatemala. I needed that jumpstart, so hopefully it will stay off!! Of course, not being able to taste anything means you don't exactly waste eating on frivoulous things.
So, we've been tag-teaming it as far as who takes care of Gabriella. It all depends on who feels more human at the time.
Gabriella is still coughing, but definitely less frequently. It's just that when she does, she has such a fit of it. But, I only heard her coughing on the monitor last night about 2-3 times instead of many,many times.
Oh, and to top it all off - she's teething! So, she's had some extra grumpy moments the last couple of days. I can definitely see the two bottom teeth starting to break the surface and the amount of drool as definitely increased(who would have thought that was possible???).
Not too many pics the last couple of days, so I'll leave you with this one.