Can I just say again how this smile melts me? I get stopped so many times everywhere we go with people commenting on her smile. It really is engaging and the dimples of course help. She likes to flirt with people while I'm holding her. She'll give her big smile, then when they talk to her, she'll lay her head on my shoulder and coyly look at them or laugh.

You can really tell in the next picture how her hair is really getting lighter. It's dark brown and not black as most Guatebabes.
Don't let her fool you. She still can't drive her car. She can only go backwards still.
She's finally pushing the cart around a lot more than dumping it over and climbing on it. She likes to put stuff in and take it right back out.

She's answering her phone in the one below(don't tell her it's upside down!). She is completely and totally obsessed with the whole talking on the phone thing. She does it all day long, non-stop with anything she can. If nothing is available, her hand will do. If she sees someone with a cell phone or hears a phone ring, the reaction is immediate. It's hilarious. What is so fascinating to me is that Ferdy and I spend very little time on the phone. So, how she has picked this up as her favorite thing to do is beyond me.