Gotta love this look!
I went ahead and bought a potty seat yesterday. I figured I'd just do this slowly and see what happens. I think it might be a bit soon, but you never know. I'm really in no rush and don't plan on trying to make it happen in a week or anything. The idea of cleaning out a little potty grossed me out and I didn't think my mover and shaker would stay on something so easy to get up from, so I got the seat to go on the big potty. Much to my surprise, the first time on the seat yesterday, after about 15 minutes, she pooped!!! Then, today, I sat her on it again when I thought she might need to go(she had said it a couple of times to me and I thought she already had, but she hadn't). After about 10 minutes, she went again. This time, it startled her and she couldn't get off that seat fast enough. Hopefully, she'll get past being scared when something happens.
Tonight, I sat her on it for a while hoping maybe she'd pee, but no luck. Bing enjoyed checking it out as you can see.