She had a Princess & Pirate party for her birthday and, while crazy and chaotic for us, was a blast for her and her friends! The little girls got to dress up and got their hair, makeup and nails done. The boys got to dress up and get painted on moustaches(though only a couple wanted it done!).
The office manager at our church makes AMAZING cakes and made this one for Gabriella. I told her I wanted a pink and white princess cake with a tiara on it and she designed this for her. The inside of the cake was pink and white layers.
One Gabriella's classmates mom made these cookies and sent them with her husband(she couldn't make it to the party) as a surprise. Are they not fantastic??
The girls were making princess crowns.
This is Miss G's best friend in school. They are two peas in a pod!
Look at our pretty nails.
Daddy says this is the last time she gets to wear makeup until she's 21!
She got her very own laptop and loves it!
Grandma and Miss G.
She wouldn't take a nice picture with me. She wanted to be silly!
The RARE family photo.
Later that afternoon, since it was a very windy day, we went to fly a kite. While it wasn't very successful(not such a great kite I guess!), Gabriella had a lot of fun. That is the best part of her personality - she has such fun no matter what she is doing!
I thought it would be fun to do a little flashback and show pics from her first three birthdays. Sniff sniff, my baby is growing up!!!!!
One year old(2007)
To this day, this Tiggy is her must-have animal to sleep with and the one she is attached to.
Two years old(2008)
Three years old (2009)

Awesome cake and cookies!!!!!!
What a great princess party!!!!
Love the picture when Miss G is getting her hair done and bing is looking at her from behind the glass door!!!!!
OH!! The flashbacks are PRECIOUS! Makes me so weepy to see how much they all keep growing!
And I love the kite flying pictures - what a happy and fun little girl!
what a beautiful family picture. the cake and cookies are awesome! and look at those princesses. what a great theme for a party -- dress up and make up. including the fingernails. that blue eyeshadow on your birthday princess really looks good actually! and I see she wore it even after the party!! happy fourth little girlie!
That is one super princess party! Love the cake and all the beautiful princesses.
Love the flashbacks...that is just too much. Why do they have to get so big so fast?
that cake is freaking amazing. happy belated birthday. she has grown into such a beautiful girl.
She looked simply gorgeous! And that cake is incredible! I am always impressed by people who have skills like that! I most certainly do not! ;)
Beautiful girl! The ftc babies are growing up too fast! L
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