Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bah Humbug on Blogger

Well, I finally decided I'd bite the bullet and switch over to the new Beta version of Blogger that kept popping up when I'd log in. The process itself was painless and my blog survived the move. But, I now see that a lot of the comments on my blog that had blogger names and links to their blogs are now showing up as anonymous comments. That pretty well torques me as now I've lost who said what on a lot of my comments. And of course, there's no going back once you switch over.... Looking on the blogger help, looks like I'm not alone and it would seem the issue is tied to other blogger users who switched to the beta.

So, FYI for you other bloggers out there.



Andrea said...

I had the same thing happen, too! It's really frustrating. GRRRRR.

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Switch to wordpress. It trucks EVERYTHING over from Blogger. I'm so glad I did.

Anonymous said...

I'm so hesitant to switch. I don't know what to do!
