Friday, January 25, 2008


Favorite Foto Friday today is called "Teacher's Pet". Gabriella is showing Bing how to color.


Amy S. said...

Geeze! seems he really loves Ms.G. Max our cat keeps a close eye on Jonathan and when he gets to close...He runs!..
Bing is truly a hoot...

Love and Hugs..

Sarah said...

What a pair they are!!! Your two babies... one furry, one funny!!

Kim said...

That cracks me up!! What a pair you have.

veggiemom said...

How cute are they together!
Kerri and Ruby

Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

So precious! So, how did Bing do? Maybe they can both teach Savannah not to eat the crayons. We are doing well with markers. Not the same taste appeal as crayons. LOL!

I just love how Bing interacts with her. Fudige only goes by Savannah when there is food.

Becca said...

Bing cracks me up! Another cutie pie pic!

Peace and Hugs,

Our Family of 5 said...

That is just to funny that Bing is so allowing of her.