Gabriella did very well on the two flights. She slept for a pretty large portion of the time. She really only fussed for probably 20 minutes total for both flights. Phew!
Here are some pics of the journey home.
Mom filling out the customs forms

Hanging with dad on the plane

Hey mom, are we there yet??

Both girls trying to catch some shut-eye.

I like my new toy!!! Lots of things to look at.

Kera checking out the strange new creature that has invaded her house. Sniff, sniff - she smells funny!

Bing is not a happy camper. PO'd in fact.

Getting a bottle in my new room. Gabriella liked looking around at all the neat stuff.

Mom and dad had not eaten since lunch yesterday on the plane(ick!) so we went to Panera. Gabriella loves her new stroller.

Then we went to the grocery store. She fell right asleep in her carseat and it's only a 3 minute drive.
Meeting grandma for the first time!

We are both pretty exhausted and this cold is kicking my butt! I hope it moves on quickly! I was able to take a nap this afternoon while daddy fed and changed and played. AHHHHH. Daddy is now napping.